weekly classes


6:00 PM
Church Building
Adult Class  • Layne Heitz
Book of John  •  Martin Tucker


7:00 PM
Church Building
Colossians  • Layne Heitz
With All Your Heart  •  Logan Cates
Book of Daniel  •  Michael Robinson


Upcoming Events

Third Thursday Men's Meal
Thursday, October 24th, 2024
Jerry & Keta Proctor's home

Men will have their 3rd Thursday meeting at the home of Jerry & Keta Proctor. Come enjoy a great time of food and fellowship!

Sister's Saturday
Last Saturday of Every Month, 9:30 am
Fireside Room

All Ladies are invited to join in on some wonderful fellowship on the last Saturday of each month. We will meet in the Fireside room at 9:30 am.

Game Night
Saturday, October 26th, 6:00-9:00 pm
Church Building

Game night for everyone from 6:00-9:00 Saturday night, October 26th!! Domino tournament starts at 6:20pm. Please bring games and snacks and enjoy the fellowship and fun.

Birthday Social for 1st - 6th Graders
October 27th after Bible Classes
Church Building - Kitchen

Each month there will be a Birthday Social for the 1st - 6th graders in the kitchen after Bible classes on the last Sunday evening of the month (with some exceptions). Cupcakes and drinks are provided! Hope your child can join us each month to help us celebrate their friends!

Fall Festival
November 3rd, 6:00-9:00pm

We will have Trunk-or-Treat starting at 6:00 pm, followed by hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner(provided by First United Bank/David Harendt), outdoor games, a cake walk and bingo! Don't miss out on the fun and fellowship. There will be sign up sheets in the back for trunks, drinks & the cake walk. 

Ladies Sit & Sew
First & Third Tuesdays Each Month at 1:00
Fireside Room

The ladies of this congregation meet up twice a month to work on projects together and enjoy the fellowship of their sisters in Christ. Drop in and visit, bring a project to work on or just come and watch! You will be blessed by these wonderful Godly women. Every first and third Tuesday at 1:00

Ladies' Bible Study
Second and Fourth Tuesdays Each Month at 1:30pm
Fireside Room

The ladies of this congregation would like to invite other women to join them on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month for a Bible Study. What a blessing it is to get to know your sisters in Christ and study God's word together. Hope you are able to join us!